China Ceramic Parts, Inc. Attends Ceramics Expo in Cleveland

We're excited to announce that China Ceramic Parts, Inc. will be attending the 2016 Ceramics Expo in Cleveland, Ohio April 26 - 28th. If you're in the area, stop by booth 116 and say hello. We'll have our technical staff as well as material/machining examples. For more...

Boron Nitride uses in Hall Effect Thrusters

Boron Nitride uses in Hall Effect Thrusters

Hall Effect Thrusters and the Telecommunications Space Race   In the early 2000s as the internet started up the exponential growth curve, much consideration was given to constellations of satellites providing access to isolated areas of the Earth. Satellite...

Seven Advantages of Boron Nitride Nozzles

Hexagonal Boron Nitride (hBN) is a unique material that has a wide range of industrial applications. One common uses of this material is high-temperature nozzles in molten metal applications. Non-clogging - Most molten metals do not wet hBN, resulting in nozzles that...

New Interactive Material Charts

New Interactive Material Charts

We are please to introduce our new tool to help people better understand the properties of different types of technical ceramics. Many people come to us asking for help selecting the right material because it can be difficult to understand how ceramics compare to each...

China Ceramic Parts Featured in Production Engineering Solutions

China Ceramic Parts Featured in Production Engineering Solutions

China Ceramic Parts has been featured in the October 2015 issue of Production Engineering Solutions. The article, 'Space-Age Precision', highlights our 179 year history and discusses how we turned into a world leader in custom ceramic manufacturing. Having worked for...