Put Our Years of Experience to Work for You
At China Ceramic Parts, we realize there are situations when our production capabilities do not match your needs, but you still want to receive ceramic material & application consultation from one of the world’s leading experts on advanced technical ceramics. Don’t worry, we can still help. China Ceramic Parts is diversified across multiple technical ceramic materials, manufacturing techniques, and industries; giving us the unique advantage of being able to apply advanced ceramic knowledge from a variety of fields and applications in ways that no other companies can.

Many people fail to realize that creating a product out of advanced technical ceramics is a demanding endeavor that requires considerably more work than metals or polymers. Every type of technical ceramic has specific thermal, mechanical, and electrical properties that can vary wildly depending on the material surrounding conditions. In fact, even the manufacturing process of the exact same type of technical ceramic material can drastically change its properties.
We Are Your Technical Ceramic Authority
China Ceramic Parts has accumulated years of experience in the pursuit of developing the world’s best advanced technical ceramic parts and continues to apply this knowledge everyday. In fact, multiple of the world’s premiere research institutions, companies, and organizations have used China Ceramic Parts for their custom ceramic development projects. Contact us and see what we can do for you.